LFI 4.2024

Leica Fotografie International

The world of Leica photography since 1949
LFI 4.2024
Issue 4.2024

LFI Magazine

What can people learn from a flamingo? Find out in Jasper Doest’s heartwarming reportage, Meet Bob. Théo Giacometti takes us to France to highlight the effects of climate change in the Rhône Delta, while Jonathan Jasberg translates everyday scenes into vibrant colour shots. Also featured: Joakim Kocjancic’s black-and-white homage to Bucharest, and Diana Walker’s exclusive insights into the world of American politics. 

In the technical section of this issue, Xiomara Bender shares how the Leica SL3 fared at the opera in Coburg. We also offer a detailed test report on memory cards, along with useful information about data transfer and memory card maintenance. 

To the current issue

Matt Draper
His pictures not only serve the observation and documentation of these majestic creatures, they are also works of art that anyone might want to hang on their wall.
Matt Draper
Matt Draper

The underwater photographer focusses his M Leicas on the migration of humpback whales and sharks. No easy undertaking with a rangefinder camera.

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